Pearl is the brains behind all the Jewelry you have been seeing in the photoshoots for the Golden Girl Collection as well as the upcoming Touch the Sky Collection.
Pearl has agreed to answer a few questions about herself and knitting!
In 5 sentences- tell me tell me your life story.
I am from South Africa. I moved to Long Island when I was 16 years old and haven't been back to my country since. I cannot wait to go see my family again, but in the meantime I am immersing myself in my work at PearNaidoo.com. I hope to one day soon open a store in South Africa. I love fashion, dancing, going out, and socializing, especially when it is for a charitable cause.
In 3 words- describe yourself.
Pearl Naidoo Rocks
Tell me what your passion is: what do you do?
I am passionate about working hard to become the woman I want to be. I own my own business, which allows me to be my full self. In that way I do a lot of charity work through my jewelry line. Mostly for girls, and especially in Africa, because as a Daughter of Africa myself, it's right next to my heart. I want to help other girls to get educated in the way that I was never allowed to do. If you can give an education, you can improve the quality of life from day one for a girl or boy. That is what I strive for and what I hope to accomplish. There are lots of girls out there who are helping and who need help. It's a beautiful thing!
Do you knit? Can you draw yourself wearing the very first thing you knitted? If you don’t- can you draw yourself wearing a “perfect 1st project” you would take upon?
I do knit, and I find it very therapeutic. Mostly blankets is what I knit though. I wear my projects all the time, I am a walking advertisement for Pearl Naidoo jewelry.
For fun: what do you think “a loose knitter” is?
Someone not quite right in the head? Or someone whose stitches are too loose, probably more likely.
And Lastly- what is your personal favorite pick from the Golden Girl Collection?
good girl top ... love it love it
Here you can find the pattern for Perl's favorite design: Good Girl Top